The extent of manager and employee involvement in developing
vision and mission statements can make a
difference in business success. This lecture provides guidelines
for developing these important documents.
Mission statement:
An enduring statement
of purpose
Distinguishes one firm
from another in the same business
A declaration of a
firm’s reason for existence
Mission is the purpose of or a reason for organization
existence. Mission is a well convincible statement
included fundamental and unique purpose which makes it different
from other organization. It identifies
scope of it operation in terms of product offered and market
served. Mission also means what we are and
what we do. A survey in a North America and in Europeans
corporation reveal that 60% to 75% have
written or formal and remaining has no written or formal
Nest vision computer college mission statement reveals:-
“We are dealing in all activities which includes in IT,
Qarshi Laborites Mission Statement,
“Production of herbal product is our mission”.
Mission Statements are also known as:
Creed statement
Statement of purpose
Statement of philosophy
Statement of business
Mission Statements reveal what an organization wants to be and
whom it wants to serve and how? Mission
Statements are essential for effectively establishing objectives
and formulating strategies.
Mission is divided into two categories:
Narrow Mission
Broad Mission
Narrow Mission:
Narrow mission also identifies our mission but it restrict in
terms of:
1. Product and services offered
2. Technology used
3. Market served
4. Opportunity of growth
Broad Mission:
Broad mission wider our mission values in terms of product and
services, offered, market served,
technology used and opportunity of growth. But main flow of this
mission that if creates confusion among
employee due to its wider sense.
For example two different firms A & B. A deals in Rail Roads and
B deals in Transportation i.e. we can say
A co. has narrow mission and B co. has a wider mission.
Most companies are now getting used to the idea of using mission
Small, medium and large firms in Pakistan are also realizing the
need and adopting mission statements.
Some example of Mission statement:
1. “The Bellevue
Hospital, with
courage, honors the individuality
confidentiality of our patients, employees, and community, and
is progressive in anticipating and
providing future health care services.”
2. The Mission of
USGS is to serve the Nation by
providing reliable scientific information to
Describe and understand
the Earth;
Minimize loss of life
and property from natural disasters;
Manage water,
biological, energy, and mineral resources; and enhance and protect our quality
of life
3. “It is the
California Energy Commission’s mission
to assess, advocate, and act through improve
energy systems that promote a strong economy and a healthy
Characteristics of good Mission Statements:
Mission statements can and do vary in length, contend, format,
and specificity. Most practitioners and
ians of strategic management consider an effective
statement to exhibit nine characteristics or
components. Because a mission statement is often the most
visible and public part of the strategic
management process, it is important that it includes all of
these essential components.
Effective mission statements should be:
Broad in scope
Generate range of
feasible strategic alternatives
Not excessively
Reconcile interests
among diverse stakeholders
Finely balanced between
specificity & generality
Arouse positive
feelings and emotions
Motivate readers to
Generate the impression
that firm is successful, has direction, and is worthy of time, support, and
Reflect judgments re:
future growth
Provide criteria for
selecting strategies
Basis for generating &
screening strategic options
Are dynamic in
Components and corresponding questions that a mission statement
should answer are given here.
Who are the firm’s customers?
Products or
What are the firm’s major products or services?
Geographically, where does the firm
Is the firm technologically current?
Concern for
survival, growth, and profitability:
Is the firm committed to growth and
What are the basic beliefs, values,
aspirations, and ethical priorities of the firm?
What is the firm’s distinctive
competence or major competitive advantage?
Concern for
public image:
Is the firm responsive to social, community, and
environmental concerns?
Concern for
employees: Are employees a valuable
asset of the firm?
Vision Statement:
“Vision is the art of seeing things invisible”
.. . . .
Jonathan Swift
“The very essence of leadership is that you have vision. You
can’t blow an uncertain trumpet”
Theodore Hesburgh
A vision statement is
sometimes called a picture of your company in the future but it’s so much more
that. Your vision statement is your inspiration, the framework
for all your strategic planning. It is critically
essential that management and executive agree on the basic
vision, which the organization endeavors to
accomplish over a period of time
A lucid and clear vision lays down a foundation on which a sound
mission statement can be built.
A vision statement may apply to an entire company or to a single
division of that company. Whether for all
or part of an organization, the vision statement answers the
question, “Where do we want to go?” Vision
statement also answers the question “What do we want to become?”
What you are doing when creating a
vision statement is articulating your dreams and hopes for your
business. It reminds you of what you are
trying to build.
While a vision statement doesn’t tell you how you’re going to
get there, it does set the direction for your
business planning. That’s why it’s important when crafting a
vision statement to let your imagination go and
dare to dream – and why it’s important that a vision statement
captures your passion.
Unlike the mission statement, a vision statement is for you and
the other members of your company, not
for your customers or clients.
When writing a vision statement, your mission statement and your
core competencies can be a valuable
starting point for articulating your values. Be sure when you’re
creating one not to fall into the trap of only
thinking ahead a year or two. Once you have one, your vision
statement will have a huge influence on
decision making and the way you allocate resources.
A vision usually
precedes the mission statement
It is usually short,
concise and preferably limited to one sentence
management involvement is advisable
Some examples of Vision statements:
1. “The Bellevue Hospital is the LEADER in providing resources
necessary to realize the community’s
highest level of health throughout life”.
. . . . The Bellevue Hospital
2. “To be the first choice in the printed communications
business, the first choice is the best choice, and
being the best is what Atlanta Web pledges to work hard at
being- every day!”
. . . . Atlanta Web Printers, Inc.
3. “It is the vision
of the California Energy Commission for Californians to have energy choices that
affordable, reliable, diverse, safe, and environmentally
. . . . California Energy Commission
4. Our vision is helping individuals and organizations discover
and develop their God given potentials to
achieve the ultimate Success”.
. . . . University of Management & Technology, Lahore
Many organizations
develop both vision and mission statements
Profit and vision are
necessary to effectively motivate a workforce
Shared vision creates a
commonality of interest
Some organization developed both mission statement and vision
statement. Mission statement explains the
current and present position and activities of a firm whereas
mission statement explains the future objective
and goals of the company. Mission statement answers the
questions what is our business? The vision
statement answer the question what do we want to become?
AMOCO Corporation
Mission Statement:
Vision Statement:
ADAMJEE Insurance Company Limited
Mission Statement:
Vision Statement:
Many organizations develop both a mission statement and a vision
statement. Whereas the mission
statement answers the question, what is our business? the
vision statement
answers the question, What do we
want to become? Many organizations have both a mission and
vision statement.
It can be argued that profit, not mission or vision is the
primary corporate motivator. But profit alone is not
enough to motivate people. Profit is perceived negatively by
some employees in companies. Employees may
see profit as something that they earn and management then uses
and even gives away—to shareholders.
Although this perception is undesired and disturbing to
management, it clearly indicates that both profit and
vision are needed to effectively motivate a workforce.
When employees and managers together shape or fashion the vision
and mission for a firm, the resultant
documents can reflect the personal visions that managers and
employees have in their hearts and minds
about their own futures. Shared vision creates a commonality of
interests that can lift workers out of the
monotony of daily work and put them into a new world of
opportunity and challenge.
Amoco is a worldwide integrated petroleum and chemical company.
find and develop petroleum resources and provide qualify
products and services
for our customers. We conduct our business responsibly to
achieve a superior
financial return balanced with our long-term growth, benefiting
and fulfilling our commitment to the community and the
Amoco will be as global business enterprise, recognized
throughout the
world as preeminent by employees, customer, competitors,
investors and the
public. We will be the standard by which other businesses
measure their
performance. Our hallmarks will be the innovation, initiative
and teamwork of
our people and our ability to anticipate and effectively respond
to change and to
create opportunity.
Being the leading insurance company Pakistan and second best in
our aim is to be a significant participant in developing
Pakistan’s image by
providing maximum insurance protection at the most competitive
price in a
highly efficient manner for industrial and economic growth.
To remain in the leading insurance company of Pakistan and
excelling it’s every
aspect of business and in delivering its obligations as a good
corporate citizen to
its clients, employees and shareholders, public and to the
The Process of Developing a Mission Statement
A clear mission is
needed before alternative strategies can be formulated and implemented.
Mission is important to
have as broad a range of participation as possible among managers in
developing the mission.
As indicated in the strategic-management model, a clear mission
statement is needed before alternative
strategies can be formulated and implemented. It is important to
involve as many managers as possible in
the process of developing a mission statement, because through
involvement, people become committed to
an organization.
A widely used approach to developing a mission statement is
first to select several articles about mission
statements and ask all managers to read these as background
information. Then ask managers themselves to
prepare a mission statement for the organization. A facilitator,
or committee of top managers, then should
merge these statements into a single document and distribute
this draft mission statement to all managers. A
request for modifications, additions, and deletions is needed
next, along with a meeting to revise the
document. To the extent that all managers have input into and
support the final mission statement
document, organizations can more easily obtain managers' support
for other strategy formulation,
implementation, and evaluation activities. Thus the process of
developing a mission statement represents a
great opportunity for strategists to obtain needed support from
all managers in the firm.
During the process of developing a mission statement, some
organizations use discussion groups of
managers to develop and modify the mission statement. Some
organizations hire an outside consultant or
facilitator to manage the process and help draft the language.
Sometimes an outside person with expertise in
developing mission statements and unbiased views can manage the
process more effectively than an internal
group or committee of managers. Decisions on how best to
communicate the mission to all managers,
employees, and external constituencies of an organization are
needed when the document is in final form.
Some organizations even develop a videotape to explain the
mission statement and how it was developed.
Importance of Vision and Mission Statements
Unanimity of purpose
within the organization
Basis for allocating
organizational climate
Focal point for
Translate objectives
into work structure
Cost, time and
performance parameters assessed and controlled
Most companies are now
getting used to the idea of using mission statements.
Small, medium and large
firms in Pakistan are also realizing the need and adopting mission statements.
The importance of vision and mission statements to effective
strategic management is well documented in
the literature, although research results are mixed.
A Resolution of Divergent Views
Developing a comprehensive mission statement is important
because divergent views among managers can
be revealed and resolved through the process. The question, What
is our business?, can create controversy.
Raising the question often reveals differences among strategists
in the organization. Individuals who have
worked together for a long time and who think they know each
other suddenly may realize that they are in
fundamental disagreement. For example, in a college or
university, divergent views regarding the relative
importance of teaching, research, and service often are
expressed during the mission statement
development process. Negotiation, compromise, and eventual
agreement on important issues are needed
before focusing on more specific strategy formulation
"What is our mission?" is a genuine decision; and a genuine
decision must be based on divergent views to
have a chance to be a right and effective decision. Developing a
business mission is always a choice between
alternatives, each of which rests on different assumptions
regarding the reality of the business and its
environment. It is always a high-risk decision. A change in
mission always leads to changes in objectives,
strategies, organization, and behavior. The mission decision is
far too important to be made by acclamation.
Developing a business mission is a big step toward management
effectiveness. Hidden or half-understood
disagreements on the definition of a business mission underlie
many of the personality problems,
communication problems, and irritations that tend to divide a
top-management group. Establishing a
mission should never be made on plausibility alone, should never
be made fast, and should never be made
In multidivisional organizations, strategists should ensure that
divisional units perform strategicmanagement
tasks, including the development of a statement of vision and
mission. Each division should
involve its own managers and employees in developing a vision
and mission statement consistent with and
supportive of the corporative mission.
An organization that fails to develop a vision statement as well
as a comprehensive and inspiring mission
statement loses the opportunity to present itself favorably to
existing and potential stakeholders. All
organizations need customers, employees, and managers, and most
firms need creditors, suppliers, and
distributors. The vision and mission statements are effective
vehicles for communicating with important
internal and external stakeholders. The principal value of these
statements as tools of strategic management
is derived from their specification of the ultimate aims of a
They provide managers with a unity of direction that transcends
individual, parochial, and transitory needs.
They promote a sense of shared expectations among all levels and
generations of employees. They
consolidate values over time and across individuals and interest
groups. They project a sense of worth and
intent that can be identified and assimilated by company
outsiders. Finally, they affirm the company's
commitment to responsible action, which is symbiotic with its
need to preserve and protect the essential
claims of insiders for sustained survival, growth, and
profitability of the firm.
Examples of Mission Statements of some Organizations:
1. Pfizer, Inc. (www.pfizer.com/main.html)
Pfzer, Inc. is a research based global health care company. Our
principal mission is to apply
scientific knowledge to help people around the world enjoy
longer, healthier and more productive lives. The
company has four business segments: health care, consumer health
care, food science and animal health. We
manufacture in 39 countries and our products are available
2. Chase Manhattan Corporation (www.chase.com)
We provide financial services that enhance the well being and
success of individuals, industries,
communities and countries around the world.
Through our shared commitment to those we serve, we will be the
best financial services company
in the world. Customers will choose us first because we deliver
the highest quality service and performance.
People will be proud and eager to work here. Investors will bury
our stock as a superior long-term
investment. To be the best for our customers, we are team
players who show respect of our colleagues and
commit to the highest standards of quality and professionalism,
Customer focus, Respect for each other,
Teamwork, Quality and professionalism.
3. Food Lion, Inc. (www.foodlion.com)
The Food Lion team will work hard to use our talents and
resourcefulness to satisfy every customer by
providing Extra Low Prices on a wide variety of quality products
in a clean, convenient and friendly
4. Apple Computer (www.apple.com)
It is Apple’s mission to help transform the way customers work,
learn and communicate by providing
exceptional personal computing products and innovative customer
We will pioneer new directions and approaches, finding
innovative ways to use computing technology to
extend the bounds of human potential.
Apple will make a difference: our products, services and
insights will help people around the world shape
the ways business and education will be done in the 21st
5. AT & T (www.att.com)
We are dedicated to being the world’s best at bringing people
together giving them easy access to each other
and to the infomrait5on and services they want anytime,
6. Corning, Inc. (www.corning.com)
Our purpose is to deliver superior, long range economic benefits
to our customers, our employees and our
shareholder and to the communities in which we operate. We
accomplish this by living our corporate
7. Nicholls State University (College of Business)
The principal mission of the College of Business is to prepare
students to participate in society and the
work force as educated individuals able to compete in a dynamic
global economy. In order to enrich the
learning process, the College also contributes to scholarship
through applied research and instructional
development. In addition to providing support to the employer
community through the development of
marketable skills in potential employees, the College also
enhances the competitive capabilities of regional
businesses by providing continuing education courses and
consulting services through the Small Business
Development Center (SBDC) and the individual efforts of faculty.
The faculty advances the welfare of the
University, the community and and professional
organizations through professional interactions.