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After studying this chapter, students should be able to understand the following:

C. Maximizing Learning

D. Selecting the Stage for Learning

E. Maintaining performance after Training

F. Following up on Training

G. Learning Principles

H. Training versus Development

I. Human Resource Development (HRD)

J. Role of Line Managers and Training and Development

K. Role of HR Department in Training and Development



In this lecture we will discuss how a learning process can be maximized in terms of learning. As we know

that training is a learning process we should know the basic learning principles that can be helpful in making

training process more effective. We will also discuss the HRD that is, Human Resource Development in

detail as well.

C. Maximizing Learning:

Learning can be maximized by considering the basic principles of learning. That will be discussed later.

D. Selecting the Stage for Learning

Effective learning requires two things (1) Clear Task Instructions that what is going to be learnt how and

what is its importance and the (2) is Model Appropriate Behavior. When ever the training need is assessed,

it should be translated to behavioral objective and trainer should try to present the results in behavioral

terms. This will be contributing towards quality training and effective learning.

E. Maintaining Performance after Training

Effective training can raise performance, improve morale, and increase an organization's potential. Poor,

inappropriate, or inadequate training can be a source of frustration for everyone involved. To maximize the

benefits of training, managers must closely monitor the training process. Developing learning points, to

assist knowledge retention, Setting specific goals, identifying appropriate reinforces and teaching trainees,

self-management skills can help organizations to maintain performance after training.

F. Following up on Training:

Any training or development implemented in an organization must be cost effective. That is the benefits

gained by such programs must outweigh the cost associated with providing the learning experience.

Training to be more effective, is supposed to be followed with careful evaluation. Evaluation methods are

discussed in the previous lecture. Different techniques and approaches can be used to evaluate the training

program and, if required at any level, revisions and redesigning should not be avoided. It is not enough to

merely assume that any training effort of an organization is effective; we must develop substantive data to

determine whether our training effort is achieving its goals- that is, if it’s correcting the deficiencies in skills,

knowledge or attitudes that were assessed in needing attention. Training programs are expensive. The cost

incurred alone justify evaluating the effectiveness.

G. Learning Principles

These are the basic principles or conditions that facilitate learning.



I. Participation

Learning should permit and encourage active participation of the learner. The learning activities should be

experiential rather than just informational. Therefore, the trainers should arrange the physical surroundings

to facilitate small group interaction and promote the sharing of ideas.

II. Repetition

An important principal of the learning is to provide the learner with the opportunity for practice and

repetition. To gain the full benefit of training learned behaviors must be over learned to ensure smooth

performance and minimum of forgetting at a latter date. Proficiency in learning and retaining new skills is

improved when individuals visualize themselves performing the new behavior.

III. Relevance

The learning should be problem centered rather than content centered. People are motivated to learn when

training is immediately relevant to help them solve a current problem. Learning something just because

someone says “it is important” is not as motivating.

IV. Transference

Because the training occurs in a special environment, an important question to ask is whether learning will

transfer to the actual job situation. Transfer of training occurs when trainees can apply the knowledge and

skills learned in training course to their jobs. If the learning in one setting does not transfer to the actual job

situation, the training has failed .Three transfers training situations are possible (1) Positive transfer of

training, when the training activities enhance performance in the new situation; (2) negative transfer of

training, when the training activities inhibit performance in new situation; and (3) no observable effect of


V. Feedback

Performance feed back is necessary prerequisite for learning. Feedback improves performance not only by

helping learners correct their mistakes, but also by providing reinforcement for learning. Knowledge of

results is a positive reinforcement itself. Learning activities have more intrinsic interest if feedback is

available. Nevertheless, performance feedback should do more than inform learners whether they were right

or wrong. Merely informing the trainees that they were wrong is not as effective as telling them why they

were wrong and how they can avoid making mistakes in future. In general, knowledge of results is an

essential feature of learning, and this knowledge comes after the learner’s response.

H. Training vs. Development

Although training is often used with development, the terms are not synonymous. Training typically

focuses on providing employees with specific skills or helping them to correct deficiencies in their

performance. In contrast, development is an effort to provide employees with the abilities that the

organization will need in the future

I. Purposes of T & D

The most prominent changes affecting T&D that have been prophesied and that are actually occurring

today in business include:

• Orient new employees and Preparing them for promotion

• Satisfy personal growth needs

• Improve performance

• Avoid Managerial Obsolescence

• Solve organizational problems

• Changes in organization structure caused by mergers, acquisitions, rapid growth, downsizing, and


• Changes in technology and the need for more highly skilled workers

• Changes in the educational level of employees

• Changes in human resources; a diverse workforce consisting of many groups

• Competitive pressures necessitating flexible courses and just-in-time and just-what’s-needed




• Increased emphasis on learning organizations and human performance management

II. Selecting T & D Program

While selecting the training ad development programs and selecting training and development methods to

be used, following factors should be kept in mind in order to have more effective utilization of resources

that are supposed to be spent on proposed training and development programs.

a. Cost Effectiveness: Any training or development implemented in an organization must be

cost effective. That is the benefits gained by such programs must outweigh the cost

associated with providing the learning experience. If measured the effectiveness of the

training process, there should be air justification of assigning training programs in the

organization because if organizations are not able to have advantages or development and

enhancement of the performance after training it is only wastages of the resources.

b. Desired Program Content: Contents of the training program and the methods used to

deliver the training should be in relevance to training objectives and need assessed for


c. Learning Principles: Learning principals should be implemented to have more effective


d. Appropriateness of the Facilities: Factors that are supposed to facilitate the training

program should be appropriate and available.

e. Trainee Performance and Capabilities: There is chance and enough probability that

training will lead to the enhancement of the trainees.

f. Trainer Performance and Capabilities: Trainers or people who are assigned responsibility

to train the trainees are having enough experience, skills, capabilities and past trends that

show that they can be effective trainers. Trainers themselves are required to be well trained in

order to provide the training.

I. Human Resource Development (HRD)

HRD has been defined as an organized learning experience, conducted in a definite time period, to increase

the possibility of improving job performance and growth. Training is the part of HRD that deals with the

designing programs that permit learners to acquire knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs.

HRD Involves Following Activities;

Training & Development: Training typically

focuses on providing employees with specific skills or

helping them to correct deficiencies in their

performance. In contrast, development is an effort to

provide employees with the abilities that the

organization will need in the future.

Organizational Development: It is an organization

wide application of behavioral science knowledge – to

the planned development and reinforcement of a

firm’s strategies, structures, and processes for

improving its effectiveness.

Career Development: A formal approach taken by an organization to help people acquire the skills and

experiences needed to perform current and future jobs is termed as career development. Company’s policies

especially policies regarding promotion, counseling the employees, opportunities to excel in future help

employees to develop their career. It consists of skills, education and experiences as well as behavioral

modification and refinement techniques that allow individuals to work better and add value.

HRD programs are divided into three categories

(1) Training: Training is the acquisition of

technology which permits employees to perform

their present job to standards.

(2) Education: Education is training people to do a

different job. It is often given to people who have

been identifies as being promotable, being

considered for a new job either lateral or upwards

(3) Development: Development is training people to

acquire new horizons, technology, or viewpoints.

It enables leaders to guide their organizations onto

new expectations by being proactive rather than


Human Resource Development Methods:

Some development of the individuals’ ability can take place on the job (Job Rotation, assistant-to-position

and committee assignment) and some times off the job methods (Lectures, Courses, Seminars, Simulation,

Outdoor Training) are to be used to provide the development opportunity to the workforce. We will have

brief discussion on these methods.

Job Rotation: It involves moving employees to various positions in organization in an effort to expand

their skills, knowledge and abilities. Job rotation can be either horizontal or vertical. Vertical rotation is

nothing more than promoting a worker in to a new position.

Assistant to Position: Employees with demonstrated potential are sometimes given the opportunity to

work under a successful manger, often in different areas of organization. In doing so, these employees get

exposure to wide variety of management activities and are groomed for assuming the duties of next higher


Committee Assignments: Committee Assignments can provide an opportunity for the employee to share

in decision making, to learn by watching others, and to investigate specific organizational problems.

Lectures & Seminars: Traditional forms of instruction revolved around formal lecture course and

seminars. These offered opportunity for individuals to acquire knowledge and develop their conceptual and

analytical abilities.

Simulations: Simulators are training devices of varying degrees of complexity that duplicate the real world.

Simulation refers to creating an artificial learning environment that approximates the actual job conditions

as much as possible.

Outdoor Training: A trend in employee development has been the use of outdoor training. The primary

focus of such training is to teach trainees the importance of working together, of gelling as teams. The

purpose of these trainings is to see how employees react to the difficulties that nature presents to them.

Developing a succession planning program:

Succession planning programs are considerations of the job openings that presently exist in an organization,

the openings that are likely to occur in the future, and how these positions might be filled. If positions are

to be filled from within, training and development will be needed to prepare employees for promotion. If

positions are to be filled by hiring from without, the organization will need to make a careful analysis of the

labor market and the likelihood of finding qualified replacements.

J. Role of line Managers and Training and Development

• Provide employee orientation training.

• Assess training needs and plan developmental strategies.

• Provide on-the-job training.

• Ensure transfer of training.

K. Role of the HR Department in Training and Development

HRM department helps in Training and development program by performing the following functions.

• Provide employee orientation training.

• Contribute to management development programs.


• Provide training and development.

• Evaluate training.

Key Terms

Training: The heart of a continuous effort designed to improve employee competency and organizational


Human Resource Development: A major HRM function that consists not only of T&D but also

individual career planning and development activities and performance appraisal.

Learning Organizations: Firms that recognize the critical importance of continuous performance-related

training and development and take appropriate action.

Job Rotation: It involves moving employees from one job to another for the purpose of providing them

with broader experience.

Assistant to Position: Employees with demonstrated potential are sometimes given the opportunity to

work under a successful manger.

Job Rotation: It involves moving employees to various positions in organization in an effort to expand

their skills, knowledge and abilities.

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