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info@zainbooks.com is the example of an email address. In order to deliver an email at this address, the part ‘zainbooks.com’ would first be translated into the IP address of hotmail email server through DNS. A message sent to John can then be stored in his account lying in the hotmail email server. There are three protocols commonly used for emails. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used for sending email messages between servers. In other words it is used for message uploads. Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) can be used to retrieve messages. They should also be configured with SMTP. POP is used to download email to the client machine from the server side and the message is deleted from the email server after download. On the other hand, in case of IMAP the message is not deleted in the email server and thus can be reopened from another location/machine.

Hypertext markup language

Web documents are defined by the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). It is a language of tags. A tag is a special letter or key word enclosed in angular brackets. Most tags have their corresponding closing tags represented by the same special letter or key word enclosed in angular brackets but preceded by a slash (/). Depending upon which tag is used the enclosed content can then have a specific effect, style or format. HTML is case independent. It has a fixed no. of tags and attributes. Attributes are those specific words/letters prescribed for certain tags having certain possible values. The browser has the capability of reading/interpreting each tag and its attributes used in a code and can show the result accordingly. One can see the source code of an HTML page using the option View Source

as shown in Fig. 1 below: Looking at the Code

Under the View menu Select Source Fig. 1 An HTML document starts with <HTML> tag which has its closing tag. The entire text work (including tables, images, lists, buttons etc.) is contained within a pair of <body> tag.A <Head> tag can also be used before the body tag to provide title and other informationabout the web page. Here is the example of a simple HTML document: <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> My first page</TITLE>

19 </HEAD> <BODY> A simple page with just this sentence </BODY> </HTML>

Result is shown in Fig. 2 below.

Fig. 2

Text formatting

-Paragraph tag <p> can be used for text formatting e.g, <p Align=“Center”>Education provides a better understanding of life</p> the enclosed sentence would accordingly be displayed in the center of the screen due to attribute align and its value ‘center’. One can also use Left or Right as values for the attribute ‘align’. <br> tag is used to provide a line break. -<center>Education provides a better understanding of life </center> would align the enclosed text in the center. -<b> and </b> are used for bold text. -<i> and </i> are used for italic text. -<u> and </u> are used of underlined text. -<big> and </big> for bigger font size. -<small> and </small> for smaller font size.

Font tag

Font tag defines various font properties. ‘Size’, ‘face’ and ‘color’ are its attributes. Attributescan be used simultaneously in a tag as you can see below: <font size=5 color=red face=Arial>internet and ecommerce</ font>

Example code

<HTML> <HEAD></HEAD> <BODY> <H1>This is my main title</H1> <p>Here is the first paragraph. This is some <b><i>bold text</i></b></p> <p><font face=“Arial”>This text is in the Arial font.</font> </BODY> </HTML>

20 Result is shown in Fig. 3 below. Fig. 3

Heading in HTML

Six different levels of headings can be created in HTML. Their syntax is given below: <H1> Level 1 – largest text </H1> <H2> Level 2 </H2> <H3> Level 3 </H3> <H4> Level 4 </H4> <H5> Level 5 </H5> <H6> Level 6 – smallest text </H6>

Creating basic HTML

For creating/viewing a web page take the following steps: 1 Open a text editor like Notepad or WordPad 2 Type away 3 Save as a “text” file and call it filename.html 4 Start up a browser 5 Open up your file 6 File menu -> Open 7 Browse to find your file 8 Click open and OK 9 To make changes go back to the text editor 10 Make your changes and SAVE 11 Go back to the browser 12 Reload – use ‘Refresh’ icon or ‘Refresh’ button in the View menu or F5

List in HTML

<UL> and </UL> are used to create unordered list. <OL> and </OL> are used to create the ordered list. Use <LI> and </LI> tags in between as shown below: <HTML><Body> <UL> <LI>Item1</LI> <LI>Item2</LI> <LI>Item3</LI> </UL><P> <OL> <LI>Item1</LI> <LI>Item2</LI> <LI>Item3</LI> </OL>

21 <P> <hr width=50% size=5 Align= center noshade></Body></HTML> Result is shown in Fig. 4 below. Fig. 4 Note that <hr> tag is used to create a horizontal line. Width, size, align and noshade are its attributes. <hr> and <br> tags do not have corresponding closing tag. You can also use square, disc or circle type of bullets,e.g, <UL Type=“Square”>Square</UL>. In case of ordered list the default list is in the format 1,2,3….You can also use lowercase letters (a,b..) uppercase letters (A,B..) small Roman numerals (i,ii..) and large Roman numerals (I,II..) in the ordered list e.g; <OL Type=“a”><LI>First></LI><LI>second</LI></OL>

Applying images in HTML

To apply an image in html, use <img> tag. Also, use attribute ‘src’ and keep the name of the image file as its value. Browser would display the image corresponding to the place where you have used the image tag in your code. See the following example code: <HTML> <BODY> <HI>On Sale Cassettes</H1> <Img Src=“cassette.gif”> </Body></HTML>

Result is shown in Fig. 5 below.

Fig. 5 Commonly used formats of image files are .gif, .jpg etc. Common attributes of image tag are shown below, for example: <Img Src=“cassette.gif” width=“80%” height=“50%” Align=“Middle”> Width and height attributes specify size of the image and align attribute specifies the positionof the image on the page.


Downloading graphics

To download an image from the web, do the following: 1. Right click on the image. 2. Choose ‘Save Picture’ or ‘Save Picture As’. You can rename the image but you cannot change its type. 3. Select a place to save your image. It is usually easiest to reference images if you save them in the same folder as your HTML document. 4. Make a reference to the image in your html document using the <img> tag. Note that you can also create your own images using a graphics package.

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